The Titanic

a homework project by Xander

The Titanic was built in Belfast from 1908 for three years. It was 32 meters tall and 269 meters long. It weighed 52,310 tons.

It set sail on April 12th 1912 from Southampton to New York. It was a passenger ship that also carried post mail.

First class tickets cost between $2700 and $79000. Second class were $1,123 and third class were $777. Children were $259. There was 2,223 people on The Titanic.

It hit an iceburg on the right side, then sank into the Atlantic Ocean in two pieces. Some people were rescued in lifeboats and there was a ship called Carpathia that rescued passengars on lifeboats. Around 1,500 people got rescued. The others either drowned or froze to death.

It hit an iceburg on the right side, then sank into the Atlantic Ocean in two pieces. Some people were rescued in lifeboats and there was a ship called Carpathia that rescued passengars on lifeboats. Around 1,500 people got rescued. The others either drowned or froze to death.

A diver found the Titanic including a skeleton dressed up in a hat and some clothes. It's too delicate to bring back up.